Will it really be Epic?


Well sure…I could tell you why, but let’s be serious, would you listen? As Douglas Adams put it, “Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.” That being said, I won’t waste my time telling you why it's gonna be epic, you will just have to experience it yourself.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


So this is has been the busiest month of my life! I am working full time, taking 2 summer courses (one of which has me reading 2-3 chapters a week and turning discussions and 50 question quizzes for each). I am trying to find a new place to live, pack up the place I am living, planning a wedding and getting married in under 3 weeks! I think I am trying to sleep and and find time to relax somewhere in all of that as well...

So I haven't written in a while as a result. I don't have time to write a lot, but I will say this.

I love my family. While it is crazy (just like everyone's family) and sometimes it feels like herding cats to get them all in place at one time, they are an amazing bunch. I can't always say I would make the same choices they do, and with that I am sometimes surprised at both their success and failures. But in all the decisions we make, good or bad, my family has always been there for me. We may not all be there at the same time, but one way or the other, these imperfect people that I am related too make the effort to make sure I succeed. At the end of the day, while I may ask more out of them than they can give sometimes, I am content with who they are and am glad for it. So thanks to my family, both immediate and extended, both by blood and social bond, both old and new. Without yall I couldn't pull off such a crazy schedule, without yall I wouldn't have the family I love.    

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